He was never seen on change , nor at the bank , nor in the counting - rooms of the city ; no ships ever came into london docks of which he was the owner ; he had no public employment ; he had never been entered at any of the inns of court , either at the temple , or lincoln s inn , or gray s inn ; nor had his voice ever resounded in the court of chancery , or in the exchequer , or the queen s bench , or the ecclesiastical courts 福克确实是个道地的英国人,但也许不是伦敦人。你在交易所里从来看不到他,银行里也见不着他,找遍伦敦商业区的任何一家商行也碰不上他。不论在伦敦的哪个港口,或是在伦敦的什么码头,从未停泊过船主名叫福克的船只。